Most of the emphasis on resume writing and online submissions is for job seekers, but anyone who runs an HR department has a potential institutional headache on their hands. The Resumator aims to help this situation by creating a simple-to-use central resume processing point that can be embedded directly on a business website. This website widget, provides a straight-forward set of instructions for the job applicants along with tools for capturing all of the relevant contact details. Job seekers can also upload a cover letter or supporting files.
From this point, the information is organized using a unique resume tracking system, in which applicants can be reviewed and ranked without having to flip through printed documents or sifting through your email inbox which can be cumbersome and hard to track. The HR dashboard also enables multiple people such as hiring managers to review the candidates in a central location and add their comments or questions to the HR manager. It’s a great way to collaborate with the key participants in the hiring process and avoid having good candidates fall through the cracks.
The only problem with the Resumator is that it works exclusively with the Resumtor’s own widget and hosted careers website. What this means is that users cannot necessarily track resumes from other job boards: Craigslist,, Career Builder, etc. There are ways around this: such as prompting applicants to apply on site, rather than through a Craigslist email, for example, but this means that every type of resume might not necessarily be organized by this system. Even with these limitations, the Resumator offers a powerful, read-to-use hiring platform that can streamline any businesses hiring process.
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Thanks for the fair writeup. We like these because they help us understand how we can do better. Our site has updated since your JPEG, but we did receive a lot of compliments on that design!
You actually can track applicants from different sources, and you don’t need to direct them to your own Web site. Each customer receives a hosted Careers Site that enables them to sources candidates from anywhere—and The Resumator tracks the source of every one.
Your post tells me we need to do a better job explaining that this is all possible. Thank you.
Really helpful for beginner also and i will tell to my friends about it. The Insider Tips are very impressive…
you can now create your resume online using mysume (dot) com. Its very fast and realtime. try now, its free..
The resumator is built upon resumes as the main component of the data. Not candidates.
If you need to structure your recruitment process you can try a more project management oriented recruitment Saas software like
Try eBoss
Recruiterbox ( is an alternative as well. The service also caters to small businesses who are hiring who may not be at the point of being able to afford an enterprise Applicant Tracking System. It’s full of features and will track the whole process from resume submission to hiring the candidate online. Worth checking out if for comparison.
Resumator Site looks great, bit of pixelation on the background header but it’s not a big deal.
I’m a bit of a wondering designer who hops from site to site.
Btw I love the look of this site 🙂