If you’ve ever suffered from email overload, then you know the paralyzing feeling of staring at an overflowing inbox. GTriage aims to help you with that, by sorting through your emails and labeling the ones that matter most. The way it works is simple. After signing up, GTriage uses a technology they’ve called the “Unblab Smart-Cloud” to auto-scan your Gmail inbox and determine which emails are the most important. With zero effort on your part, you will soon be looking at a well-organized inbox with red “Important” labels on each message that GTriage thinks you’ll want to read first.
Over time, GTriage’s accuracy will only get better, as the program continues analyzing which emails you open first, where you read them, and how long you take to respond. In all, there are 50 categories that GTriage looks at to determine which emails deserve an “Important” label. The program works on your mobile device as well. And since the GTriage magic happens behind-the-scenes in your Gmail inbox, there is never any need to download a special app for the service to work on your iPhone or Blackberry.
Essentially, GTriage serves as a sort of virtual executive assistant—sorting through your inbox clutter to bring you the most important messages first. And with prices ranging from $3 to $19 per month, depending on your usage, using GTriage is a whole lot cheaper than hiring an extra staffer. While the service may not be for everyone, we highly recommend it to any Gmail users looking to streamline their daily correspondence.
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