Just because you didn’t get a PhD in physics doesn’t mean you don’t have knowledge and skills worth sharing. Learnable is a web-app that lets people capitalize on their talents by creating and teaching online courses about whatever topics they wish. The creators behind Learnable have built a virtual environment where some people can take courses, some people take teach courses, and some people can do a little bit of both.
If you’re interested in education and you’ve got some time on your hands, then Learnable is for you. Create an account, and you’re instantly able to start browsing through courses and designing classes of your own. Before you teach a class, however, it might be a good idea to take a few in order to learn what types of lessons do and don’t work in the online format. Browse through the available courses by category or use the search box to find a course by keyword. When you find a class that seems interesting, click on the title to read a course description, learn about the instructor’s background, and find out the price. To enroll, click “Enroll Now”; Learnable accepts payments for classes via Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal. Learnable courses are made up of mini-lessons, and may include videos, text, and other educational exercises. If you have questions about a particular section, use the Learnable Q&A system to start a discussion with other users – just like you would in a real world classroom.
Once you’ve taken a few courses and benefited from the knowledge of others, it may be time to share your own passions and skills. To do this, click “Teach” and “Create a course.” Learnable will guide you through the rest of the process with easy, step-by-step instructions that help you construct lessons, create student exercises, and put together downloadable resources. Not only will you benefit from knowing that your knowledge and effort is helping other people, but you may make a little money in the process, too.
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Hey thanks for the review.
We’re working hard to make online learning (and teaching) both fun… and rewarding
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