WikiBrains is a web application that’s found a unique niche somewhere between the worlds of mind mapping and brainstorming. A search engine of sorts, WikiBrains scours the web for connections between concepts or words and then shares those connections in a brainstorming-like format.
Connect the dots between any two concepts, like “vitamins and poison” or “energy and exercise,” just to name a few. WikiBrains will search for links between those two topics, and provide you with a brainstorming map that shows all the connections. Continue adding more terms and explore the connections that WikiBrains finds. WikiBrains uses content from publicly available sources, including the New York Times, YouTube, and Wikipedia, to connect the dots between seemingly unrelated concepts. You can also delete any specific connections that don’t fit in with the concept you’re trying to prove.
WikiBrains provides people with an easy way to create mind maps—generally in five minutes or less—and discover the connection between seemingly unrelated topics. As more people use WikiBrains, and more mind maps are added to the platform, the app’s intelligence factor will continue to grow.
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