October 24, 2013

Everhour – Intuitive Time Tracking

Everhour is a time tracking application that takes a cue from the past. Rather than adding unnecessary features or complicated tools, the creators of Everhour have taken a more streamlined approach with single-line inputs, automatic timers, and minimalistic status reports.

The first step to using Everhour, after you’ve created an account, is to start tracking the time you’re spending on various projects. Using the input bar, type in the name of a project you’re working on (beginning with an @-sign) and the issue you’re dealing with, along with the time and date. You can also create tags by adding a hashtag to the beginning of any word. Everhour recognized multiple spelling formats and time entries, and automatically suggests tags based on the entries you’re typing in. Based on how you’ve set up your Everhour account, you can start your timers manually or automatically for each newly submitted entry.

When your team has signed up for Everhour, you can work on projects together. Everhour even offers tools to support larger agencies. The platform aggregates the most “important and meaningful information,” like overall statistics, and uses that data to populate reports by date or issue reference. Reports can also be filtered by tag, mention, or team member.

Practical Uses:

  • Keep track of the time your team has spent working on a new client’s project
  • Find out which employees have contributed the most to a group report
  • Filter projects by tag, like “work” or “personal”
  • Track the hours you’re spending working on basic HR tasks

Insider Tips:

  • Use Everhour’s saved filters to quickly create new reports
  • Keyboard shortcuts make it easier for users to track time
  • Share reports with non-users via direct links
  • Take away access to a linked report at any time

What we liked:

  • Everhour gives users the option to start timers manually or automatically
  • Users can filter their reports by mention, tag, or team member
  • The single line input box allows users to quickly add new items
  • People can use Everhour for both personal and professional purposes

What we didn’t like:

  • Because Everhour is still new, a number of necessary features are still marked as “under review” in the support section


Company Info:

  • Launched: June 2013
  • Privately Held
  • Headquarters: Minsk, Belarus
  • Founded by: Mike Kulakov
  • Web site:


  • Free (currently)


  1. Hello Stephanie,

    Thanks for a detailed review of our app – Everhour. You did a great job and everything looks substantially.
    We are always interested in reading other people’s opinions.

    A great thing we have added recently is Github integration. In the long run we plan to add couple more integrations such as Jira, Trello, Asana. I think this could also be useful to mention.

    Thanks for pointing our attention to our feedback section & number of requests in “review” status.
    In fact, 90% of them were in status “rejected”. We responded to every single feedback/idea or question.

    In some cases we asked why it could be useful. And there was no answer. We were waiting…
    Sometimes we tried to explain why we find something useless and users agreed with us.

    We do not want to add every single feature. We believe this is the worst thing a startup can do. We want our tool to be clean and elegantly solve a specific problem.


    • Lols, I think Passion for Promarkers has someone leave a coemmnt each week to say it will be listed on their site. It may be another blog but have a look and if it’s not there let me know and I’ll have a look to see where I have seen that message before.

  2. Great information, thank you

  3. Everhour Time Tracking is a good tool to monitor actual work done on a hourly basis wherein this will help more on the progress a company .

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