Forget credit cards or instant payment options. When you pay for digital content and virtual goods with a new application called Kwedit, you can get the things you want right now by promising to pay for them later. Without using a credit card or linking to an online banking account, you can sign up and use Kwedit to pay for many online games that charge fees to play.
Unlike other online payment systems, getting started with Kwedit doesn’t require any extensive contracts or linked payment sources. All it requires is an email address—ideally the same one you use when you play social games online. When you purchase access to a new game, the debt will be added to your Kwedit account and you’ll have between 7 and 14 days to pay it off—either by submitting money at a 7-Eleven, mailing in cash, or asking a parent to use his or her credit card on your behalf. If the debt isn’t repaid, your Kwedit score will suffer, and getting more Kwedit to make future purchases will become difficult—just in the way an actual credit score works.
As users earn their trust on Kwedit by paying back debts, they can spend more money on online goods and services. And if a user defaults and decides he or she doesn’t want to pay the service back, there’s absolutely no penalty besides having a lower score on their Kwedit account. For teens who might not have a credit card to pay with, or people who’d prefer to test out an online game before shelling out the payment, Kwedit is an easy-to-use and completely unique payment service that’s the first of its kind.
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