People are consistently looking to the web to find new reading material. In addition to the popularity of eBooks, there are new ways to market and read books both online and using portable electronic devices. People have been wondering when publishing was going to catch up with the music industry in terms of how books are discovered and distributed, and a site like Book Lamp is a major step in that direction.
BookLamp is an intriguing idea – a sort of Pandora Radio meets books. If you haven’t heard of Pandora, it’s a service that compiles and automatically selects a music playlist based on your perceived tastes. As an example, if you were to select the Beatles as your starting point, Pandora will play songs from the Rolling Stones, the Kinks, and other similarly-sounding bands.
Book Lamp intends to do the same thing: you type in, say, the Da Vinci Code, and it will recommend books based on that selection. In some sense, Amazon already does this by displaying what other people bought, but BookLamp has the potential to be more accurate because its recommendations are based on author attributes and book content versus solely the opinions of other readers. However, it’s also much more difficult to populate BookLamp’s databases given the hundreds of thousands of books on the market but the concept definitely holds some promise.
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