Varying deductibles, premiums, and coverage exclusions can make it challenging for the layperson to compare auto insurance policies in an apples-to-apples way. The Zebra is a web-based platform that aims to clear things up, providing consumers with a clear-cut way to compare hundreds of auto insurance companies at once.
Enter some basic information about the vehicle you’re planning to insure, including the year, make, and model, along with your zip code, and The Zebra will provide you with a list of the insurance options available. The more information you include about yourself—including your credit score and driving history—the more accurate the quotes that The Zebra provides. The Zebra also includes an accuracy meter that indicates how accurate its insurance estimates are for your vehicle. Scroll through the available options, or sort by bestseller, price, or “Zebra pick.” Click on the “Confirm now” button when you’ve selected an insurance option, and a popup will appear with instructions on what to do next in order to secure that rate. In most cases, that involves filling out a form or calling a toll-free number.
One of the best parts of The Zebra is that it allows you to shop anonymously for insurance. That means you won’t be getting unsolicited emails or calls from insurers for weeks after your request goes through. The platform also populates its search results in real-time, which means insurance rates are more likely to be accurate than when users search on competing platforms.
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