is sort of like a notepad, sort of like a to-do list, and sort of like an outliner, but with advanced features that make the cloud-based application much more useful than any of those tools would be on their own. Designed to help people keep their lives and thoughts organized, offers a way to keep track of projects, to-do lists, appointments, contacts, events, and pretty much anything else that’s worth writing down.
When you sign up for a account, you can create as many projects and lists as you need. Just create an outline that focuses on the most relevant information, and fill in all the details. You can prioritize individual items or mark them as starred, and use hashtags to keep lengthy notes organized. If you’re using as a scheduling tool, then you’ll definitely want to speed up the process of adding items by including the @ symbol before any dates. This keyboard shortcut provides you with an easy way to track dates and deadlines, and prioritize items of high importance. Another keyboard shortcut worth noting is the + symbol, which you can include before the name of a contact to quickly call or email that person. is a “social” application, in that you can share all of your lists with friends, family, and colleagues, and the information on your shared lists is synced in real time. All in all, serves as virtual notebook that people can use in an unlimited number of ways.
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Hi Stephanie,
Nice share. There are many to-do applications present now a days. Some of them are quite complicated to use. Will surely give it a try and see will it be worth using