A baby’s first days at home, his first words, and his first steps are all memories that should be cherished for a lifetime. For years, most people have tucked away special mementos and stories about these days in hardbound baby books. Unfortunately, traditional baby books present a number of problems. They’re made on paper that can easily degrade, they get pushed to the back of bookshelves over time, and they’re nearly impossible to share with friends and family members who live in different cities. That’s why Moment Garden was created.
When you use Moment Garden, you can share all of your baby’s most important memories with loved ones around the world using fully-interactive timelines and slideshows that are easy to create. Register for an account and type in your child’s birth date, gender, and name to begin. You can also create a special Moment Garden email address for your little one, which family members can use when they want to add their own special memories and stories to the timeline. Start adding photos and marking the dates when important milestones were reached. Not only does Moment Garden allow you to input the date your baby first walked, for example, but it also provides a space to include the specific time of day and any anecdotes about what was going on when the momentous occasion occurred. Timelines are fully interactive, which means you can change the size of markers and other elements on the page at any time.
One of the great things about Moment Garden is that private baby photos and stories shared on the site are secure. The only people who can see a baby’s timeline are the friends and family members the admin has invited. Not only can friends and family members share their own stories, but they can also sign up to receive email notices whenever new content is added, as well.
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